Really popular on the Net right now is small type. It is considered classy and provided you are
just looking at pictures there is really no problem with that!!! If, however, you want people to
actually read what you post on the Net, small type can become a real problem specially with
navigation. With many people requiring glasses to read, it should come as no surprise that
there are a large number or surfers who find surfing inscreasingly frustrating. So... the following
navigation is designed to satisfy both: the classy look and the surfers requiring eyeglasses.
In fact, this is one of the few ways mouseovers can actually serve a purpose besides looking "cool"!
Move your curser over the buttons in the right hand column!
Mouse Off
Mouse On
All graphic buttons/links are 100 by 25 pixels and one button set averages less than 3KB
Please download the graphics you want to your server.
Don't link to them on our server